
English Chapter – 10 : Predicate

12 August, 2024


Introduction: Predicate

  • We all use sentences in our day to day life to make others understand what we think, want or feel. A sentence is a group of words which makes a complete sense. For example, I am feeling very thirsty; I am going to visit my Aunt. ; The children are playing indoor games. ; Children are sitting under the tree.
  • Every sentence has two parts- Subject and Predicate.
  • Subject refers to that part of the sentence that we are speaking about. The term “Subject” means something which has more importance.
  • Subject can be a person, place, thing, or an animal.
  • Predicate refers to the part of sentence that tells about the Subject. The term “Predicate” is derived from a Latin word which means declared. It contains the Verb and all words supporting the Verb. So Predicate declares something about the Subject in a sentence

For Example:

  • Children love ice cream. In this sentence, we are talking about the children and giving more importance to them. So “children” are the Subject in this sentence. The sentence says that the children love ice cream. So “love ice cream” is the Predicate in this sentence.

  • A beautiful lady was wearing a red dress.
    Subject: A beautiful lady
    Predicate: was wearing a red dress.

  • The sun sets in the west.
    Subject: The sun
    Predicate: sets in the west

  • The sun shines brightly.
    Subject: The sun
    Predicate: shines brightly.

  • Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan.
    Subject: Jaipur                
    Predicate: is the capital of Rajasthan.

Subject in Imperative sentences

The sentences through which we give some commands, orders, or requests are called imperative sentences. In such sentences, the Subject is understood and hence not mentioned

For Example:

Enjoy some fresh fruits. In this example, the speaker is asking the person standing in front to “take some fresh fruits”. It is obvious that the Subject is the person standing in front of the speaker and hence it is not mentioned. So here “you” is the Subject.

  • Shut the door. Subject: you
  • Don’t disturb me. Subject: you

Sentences with more than one Subject

  • A sentence can sometimes have more than one Subject.

For Example:

  • Rita and Rana went out to play. In this sentence, “Rita and Rana” together are Subject and “went out to play” is the Predicate in this sentence. Such Subjects are called compound Subject.
  • I shall go out and he will meet me. In this sentence, there are again two Subjects- “I” and “he” whereas “go” and “meet” are the two Verbs.

Sentences with single Subject but Two verbs

  • There are some sentences having two Verbs but a single Subject.

For Example:

  • I shall paint and draw a portrait. 
    This sentence has one Subject- “I” but two Verbs-“paint and draw”.
  • I will read and write the essay on this topic.
    Subject: I
    Verbs: read, write

Order of Subject Predicate

  • In a sentence mostly Subject comes first followed by Predicate.

For Example:

  • The sun shines bright. 
    Subject: Sun     
    Predicate: Shines bright

  • But sometimes the Subject may come after the Predicate. This concept is called Subject-Verb inversion

For Example:

  • Here comes the beautiful dress. 
    Subject: the beautiful dress

  • Never have I faced such a crowd. 
    Subject: I

    In all above examples the subject comes after the predicate.

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