
English Chapter – 14 : Sentences

12 August, 2024


Introduction: Sentences

We all use sentences in our day to day life to make others understand what we think, want or feel. A sentence is a group of words which makes a complete sense.

For Example:

  1. I am very happy today.    
  2. I am going out for cycling.  
  3. Vienna and Bella are playing chess.
  • All of the above examples imply some meaning and make a complete sense. Therefore, they are sentences. Now let us consider some other examples.
  1. Tree bird   
  2. Glass water   
  3. Two book table
  • These examples do not give a complete meaning of what they are trying to imply and hence they make no sense. Therefore, they are not sentences. They are just collection of words.
  • There are four different kinds of sentences.

Assertive Sentences

  • A sentence that makes a statement or declares something is called an Assertive sentence. These sentences are also called declarative sentences.

For Example:

  • I am going to meet him.                                                     
  • Rayna is very beautiful.
  • She bought her new dress from the new showroom. 
  • It was a great pleasure meeting my childhood friends yesterday.

Interrogative Sentences

  • A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentences always start with words like What/Who/Where/How/When and end with a question mark.

For Example:

  • What is your name?                                                    
  • What would you like to have for lunch?
  • What is your hobby?                                                   
  • Shall we go out for dinner?

Imperative Sentences

A sentence that expresses a polite or a rude command/ request/ order is called an imperative sentence.

For Example:

  • Please give me a glass of water.                                                                 
  • Do your homework.
  • Meet me within one hour.                                                                          
  • Feel free to meet me later.

Exclamatory sentences

it express a strong feeling of excitement or other emotions (eager, happiness, sadness). Exclamatory sentence should always end with an exclamation mark “!”. These sentences focuses more on how you feel.

For Example:

  • Hurray! We won the match.                                                     
  • Alas! We lost the match.
  • What a match it was!                                                                
  • What a beautiful day!
  • Alas! He failed in his exams.

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