Practice Questions for Finding Error
Easy Level Questions
Directions (1 to 10): Identify the segment in the sentence that contains a grammatical error. Choose the option which is grammatically incorrect from (A), (B), (C), (D) and if there is no error in any part then choose (E) No error.
Question 1:
After demonetization, (A)/ bringing back of normal functioning (B)/ of the working bodies is the biggest (C)/ concerned for the people now. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 2:
Rashmi wasn’t wearing (A)/a helmet while riding a scooty (B)/ so by the time she reached my (C)/ home her hairs was all messed up. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 3:
This sport season women (A)/ athletes have outperformed (B)/ man athletes in most of the (C)/ primarily male dominant sports. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 4:
In my tenure (A)/ of being a female police (B)/ officer, I have faced a (C)/ lot of horrifying experience. (D)/ No error(E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 5:
By the end of the (A)/ investigation, there were (B)/ a lot of question that (C)/ were left unanswered. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 6:
Madhav’s honestly has been (A)/ admired by all of his friends, (B)/ family, and relatives. It shows his (C)/ courage and ownership of his own actions. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 7:
During a boxing match yesterday (A)/, Mohammed Ali knocked out (B)/ five tooths of the other player (C)/ in the ring with him. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 8:
The police commissioner (A)/has issued an orders for transferring (B)/ Sub Inspector to another district but (C)/ he has not yet received it. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 9:
Sakshi and Manisha (A)/ are best friends since class 10th (B)/ as both the girl are always (C)/ seen together ever since. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 10:
The morale of the Indian army (A)/ rising up after the surgical strike on (B)/ Pakistan post the Pulwama terror attack because the (C)/ news coming from the other side are encouraging. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Solutions of Easy Level Questions:
Question 1:
(4) Part D of the sentence is erroneous as instead of using a noun, a verb has been used in the given sentence. Concerned should be replaced by concern to make the sentence grammatically sound.
Question 2:
(4) The plural form of hair remains the same. All of her hair is being talked about collectively, thus plural for will be used. Thus, ‘hairs’ is incorrect and should be replaced by ‘hair’. The only time we use ‘hairs’ is when we try to denote the singularity of each individual strand of hair.
Question 3:
(3) Two nouns are being compared, so both should either be singular or plural. Given sentences talk about women and men in sports and the comparison is made between the two.
Question 4:
(4) The error lies in the wrongful usage of the noun ‘experience’ in the given sentence. Although, the noun experience can be used in both singular and plural senses. In the given sentence, the plural sense will make the sentence sound both grammatically and contextually.
Question 5:
(3) Always remember that ‘a great many’ is always followed by a plural noun and a plural verb. The verb is already in its plural form. The error lies in the given noun of the sentence i.e., question.
Question 6:
(1) In the first part of the sentence, instead of a noun, an adverb is used. We are talking about a quality that is owned by Madhav and admired by others. Thus, the quality will be a noun. Honesty is an abstract noun.
Question 7:
(3) The plural of tooth is teeth and not tooths. The general rule of suffixing ‘s’ behind a word is not applicable here.
Question 8:
(2) The whole sentence is in singular form except for the noun order. Since the verb is singular in nature, we should use a singular noun.
Question 9:
(3) Sakshi and Manisha are proper nouns. However, ‘girl’denotes only one specific girl. But, it should be ‘girls’ as two girls (nouns) i.e., Sakshi and Manisha are being talked about. Thus, a singular noun i.e., girl should be replaced with a plural noun i.e., girls.
Question 10:
(4) Given that the opening clause’s tense, “was,” is simple past, the other clause’s tense must also be simple past in this situation. News requires a singular verb, per the Subject Verb Concord rules of the English language i.e., instead of ‘are’ we should use ‘is’.
Moderate Level Questions
Direction (1 to 10): Read the sentence to find out whether there is an error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number corresponding to that part will be your answer. If the given sentence is correct as it is, mark the answer as ‘No error’. Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.
Question 1:
While some states and cities in India saw the partial opening (A)/ of schools for a short period of time, it is a (B)/ fact that pre-schoolers and those in elementary years, (C)/ including primary years, continued to operate with their virtual engagements. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 2:
Decisions that impact the lives (A)/of billions requires scrutiny and fixing of (B)/accountability, yet dealing (C)/with a once-in-a-century pandemic is a tough call (D)/ No error (E).
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 3:
(A) He immediately quit /(B) the course in which the enhancement of /(C) neither growth nor placements /(D) were expected /(E) No error.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 4:
Many of my cousins beat (A) / around the bushes (B) / quite a bit, especially when they have (C) / to give you bad news. (D) / No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 5:
The rape culture in the (A)/ country is born out of a history (B)/of woman subjugation and abuse (C)/ by the patriarchal society. (D)
1. B
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
Question 6:
The police open fired (A)/ on the gathering of peaceful protestor, (B)/ killing two of them and (C)/ injuring several.(D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 7:
The whole family was (A)/ gathered together by (B)/ mothers-in-laws to discuss family issues (C)/ that had to be sorted out. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 8:
The flexible of withdrawals (A)/ from the funds under the (B) Employee Provident Funds would be (C)/ tightened by the government. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 9:
Every human is prone to do (A)/ mischiefs if they are sitting all ideal (B)/ with nothing to do at all because the (C)/ brain finds one way or the other to keep itself engaged. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Question 10:
I have not gone through (A)/ his autobiography (B)/and so I am not aware (C)/of its content. (D)/ No error (E)
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
Solutions of Moderate Level Questions
Question 1:
(2) In the given sentence the error lies in part B. ‘period’ means ‘a length or portion of time.’ So, the use of ‘time’ with it becomes redundant.
Question 2:
(2) ‘Decisions’ which is the subject of the sentence is a plural noun and therefore, the helping verb related to it must be a plural verb or plural helping verb. Therefore, ‘require’ is correct here.
Question 3:
(4) ‘Was’ should be used in place of ‘were’. Since the subject in the given sentence is ‘enhancement’ (which is singular). Hence, the verb used should also be singular in order to agree with the subject.
Question 4:
(2) The correct idiomatic expression is ‘beat around the bush’ and not ‘beat around the bushes’. Beat around the bush (Idiom): To talk about lots of unimportant things because you want to avoid talking about what is really important.
Question 5:
(5) In part C, the phrase says, “woman subjugation” which is incorrect. Here the plural noun “women” will be used to denote the “subjugation of” the whole gender.
Question 6:
(2) In part B, the phrase says “gathering of” which means there were more than one protestor, hence it should be “gathering of protestors”.
Question 7:
(3) The error lies in part C of the sentence, as the wrong plural form of the noun ‘mother-in-law’ has been used. The correct plural form is mothers-in-law since the plural form of adding ‘s’ has to be added to the noun and not the rest of the word.
Question 8:
(1) In the given sentence an adjective has been erroneously used in place of a noun. The correct form is noun should be used i.e., instead of flexible, we will use flexibility.
Question 9:
(2) There is no noun as mischiefs. The plural form of mischief is also mischief.
Question 10:
(4) Whenever we use content to describe that something is contained in a book, a letter or anything else. Then we use the plural form of content, i.e., contents.