
Geography Chapter – 14 : Major Strait & Rivers

17 August, 2024

Major Strait & Rivers

Introduction: Major Strait & Rivers

Major Straits

Strait is a thin waterbody that connects two big water masses and separates two land masses. The following table enlists the major Straits* of the world

Bab-el-MandebRed Sea to Gulf of AdenYamen (Asia) from Djibouti &
Eritrea (Africa)
Bass straitPacific Ocean (No other water body)Tasmania from the Australian mainland
Bering StraitBering Sea (Pacific Ocean) to Chukchi Sea (Arctic Ocean)Russia from Alaska (USA)
Bosphorus StraitBlack Sea to Sea of MarmaraAsian Turkey from European Turkey
Davis straitBaffin Bay to Atlantic OceanGreenland from Nunavut (Canada’s Baffin Island)
Denmark straitAtlantic Ocean (No other water body)Iceland from Greenland
Dover straitEnglish Channel & North SeaEngland from France
English ChannelNorth Sea & Atlantic OceanEngland from France
Florida StraitGulf of Mexico to Atlantic
Florida (USA) from Cuba
Gibraltar StraitAtlantic Ocean to Mediterranean SeaSpain (Europe) from Morocco (Africa)
Hormuz straitGulf of Oman to Persian GulfUAE & Oman from Iran
Hudson straitAtlantic Ocean to Hudson BayBaffin Island from Quebec (in
Magellan straitPacific Ocean to Atlantic
Mainland South America from north and Tierra del Fuego to the south (South America)
Malacca StraitSouth China Sea to Andaman
Malay Peninsula from
Indonesian island
Mozambique StraitIndian Ocean (No other water body)Madagascar from
Palk StraitBay of Bengal to Gulf of MannarIndia from Sri Lanka
Sunda StraitIndian Ocean to Java SeaIslands of Java from Sumatra (Indonesia)

Major Rivers

RiverLength (in KM)Ending PointLocation
Nile6,650Mediterranean SeaAfrica
Amazon6,400Atlantic OceanSouth America
Yangtze6,300East China SeaChina (Asia)
Mississippi–Missouri6,275Gulf of MexicoUSA
Yenisei–Angara– Selenge5,539Kara SeaRussia
Yellow River (Huang He)5,464Bohai SeaChina (Asia)
Ob–Irtysh5,410Gulf of ObAsia
Paraná – Río de la Plata4,880Atlantic OceanSouth America
Congo–Chambeshi (Zaïre)4,700Atlantic OceanAfrica
Amur–Argun4,444Sea of OkhotskAsia


The following table enlists the major Waterfalls (Based on Height) of the world 

WaterfallsHeight (in Meters)LocationOn (River)
Angel Falls979VenezuelaChurun River (a tributary of Orinoco River)
Tugela Falls948South AfricaTugela River
Tres Hermanas Falls914PeruN/A
Olo’upena Falls900Hawaii (USA)N/A
Yumbilla Falls896PeruN/A

The following table enlists the major Waterfalls (Based on Flow Rate) of the world

WaterfallsMean annual flow rate (m3/s)Width (m)River
Boyoma Falls17,0001,372Lualaba
Guaíra Falls13,300Parana
Khone Phapheng Falls11,61010,783Mekong
Niagara Falls2,4071,203Niagara
Iguazú Falls1,7462,700Iguazu


The following table enlists the major Hot Desert of the world −

Hot DesertArea (in Sq. km)*Located in
Sahara Desert9,100,000North Africa
Arabian Desert2,600,000West Asia (Middle East)
Great Victoria Desert647,000Australia
Kalahari Desert570,000South of Africa
Great Basin Desert490,000North America
Syrian Desert490,000Middle East
Karoo Desert400,000South Africa
Thar Desert376,000India & Pakistan
Chihuahuan Desert362,600Mexico
Great Sandy Desert284,993Northwestern Australia
Sonoran Desert260,000USA & Mexico
Simpson Desert176,500Central Australia
Gibson Desert156,000Western Australia
Mojave Desert124,000USA
Atacama Desert105,000South America
Namib Desert81,000South-west of Africa

The following table illustrates the major Cold Desert of the world −

Cold DesertArea (in Sq. km) *Located in
Arctic DesertN/AArctic
Russian ArcticN/ARussia
Gobi Desert1,300,000China & Mongolia (Asia)
Patagonian Desert670,000South America
Karakum Desert350,000Turkmenistan
Taklamakan Desert337,000China

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