
Psychology Chapter – 1 : Introduction

20 August, 2024


Subject Overview

Why the Psychometric test was included in the Merchant Navy?

When you are flying a Plane or you are fighting a war, you need to make decisions in a split of seconds. .

Most importantly, at your decisions rest lives of people. In Shipping, with advancement in technology, you have RADARS installed in ships and other equipment which tell you miles before where the Ship is and still accidents happen.

On analyzing it was found that most of the accidents were because of HUMAN ERROR and if the human mind is involved then Psychometric Test is involved.

A million-dollar Ship carrying million-dollar cargo sailing through the Ocean but what if there’s one person onboard who is busy in his World, does not communicate with the crew, have a negative attitude towards seniors, is lazy and so on, nobody wants to risk neither their lives nor the Ship and Cargo worth millions of dollars

Why do people FAIL in a Psychometric Test?

Firstly, you didn’t fail the psychometric test. It’s just that your abilities do not match with the job profile you are applying for and you got rejected because your competitors stood a better chance than you.

This is not a normal exam where you can cheat, fake, or lie.

This is based on your personality and how you look upon things or situations.

Just to make it clear, you get rejected for two reasons, one has already been explained above, that is, if your qualities do not match with the qualities required for the Merchant Navy profession, and the other is when it becomes difficult for the Psychologist to assess your complete personality.

Another reason could be that many times a student does not understand the meaning of a sentence and answers are based on his assumption.

A psychologist does not know you personally and assesses you based on your answers and a misunderstood answer at your end can surely mislead a psychologist into thinking that you are unfit for the job.

So, the best way is that if you do not understand a sentence, take the help of an invigilator in understanding the sentence and then answer but don’t answer any question on an assumption.

Basic Interview Questions

  • Introduce yourself or Tell us something about yourself ?
  • Currently, what are you doing?
  • Why do you want to join this academic course ?
  • Why we should select you ?
  • If not Merchant Navy then what would you do ?
  • Why do you want to pursue
  • GP Rating/CCMC/DNS/B.SC Nautical Sciences/B.Tech Marine engineering ETO/GME
  • Why do you want to apply to (sponsored academy)

(GESCO/Anglo Eastern/SIMS/T.S. Rehman/Tolani/ANET/SCI/NUCI)

  • Institutes where sponsorship exams are conducted by companies

(Synergy/MAERSK/Fleet/Evergreen/Safe Sea Navigation/Zodiac/MSC/VShips)

  • What is/is your strength?
  • What is/is your weakness?
  • What is/is your hobby?
  • What if you couldn’t clear your exam?
  • Where do you see yourself in the next three/five years?
  • Prepare a list of your academic milestones and other significant certificates
  • Tell me 5 interesting things about your city

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