
Psychology Chapter – 5 : Tat / ppt (thematic apperception test / picture perception test)

20 August, 2024

Tat / ppt (thematic apperception test / picture perception test)

Introduction : Tat / ppt (thematic apperception test / picture perception test)


  • One image will be shown to you at a moment

  • This image would be displayed for 15 seconds

  • You need to see and remember the image

  • After the image display time gets over, you have to write a story based on whatever you have observed in a picture on the paper that is given to you

  • While writing a story, you need to take into consideration – what has led to this event, what is happening in the event right now, what are the characters thinking as well as emotionally experiencing, and what would happen further in this event

  • You have 5 minutes to write about the event on the paper

  • There is a total of 10 pictures that would be displayed to you.

  • For the 10th picture, it would be a blank picture where you can write any story of your wish.

  • Henry A. Murray also developed a scoring technique and categorized it as following five aspects of the stories.

  • The Hero: Scoring for the hero involves identifying the protagonist in the story.

  • Need for the Hero: It was important for Murray to identify the motives, needs, and desires of the hero.
  • Scoring for Themes: This involves evaluating the nature of interplay and conflict between the presses and the needs. Emotion elicited by conflict and how conflict is resolved is assessed.
  • Scoring for Outcome: Major scoring for the outcome is done on whether or not the story has a happy ending. Also, the impact on the outcome influenced by the strengths of the hero and presses is assessed.

  • Identifying the presses: Environmental factors that influence the needs or actions of the hero are regarded as presses.
  • In this picture, people are shouting and protesting for their rights. People are furious and creating havoc. To bring discipline, police have arrived at the sight.

    The police are trying to control the herd.

    Police are trying to convince the people to calm down. They are asking them to maintain peace otherwise warning them that police would beat them with the rod.

    One mobile van is also arriving at the spot. The siren is on. The environment is getting tense. Lata is leading this rally. Looking at the police van, Mohan is thinking to escape.

The chief of police is commanding something. People are throwing stones at them. People are very disappointed with the current situation.

Maybe local politicians would also join this team to meet the need of these people.  Some negotiations would take place and this issue will get resolved soon.

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