DG Shipping 3 Tier E-learning Approach in Merchant Navy Modular Courses

24 August, 2022

How to Join Merchant Navy after Electrical Engineering in India

D.G. Shipping has changed the way you pursue Merchant Navy modular courses. Till now, students had to pursue a course normally (offline) from a Marine Training Institute and obtain the certificate for the same. However, from April 2020, the approach has changed. After all, the concept of e-learning has been added to the procedure and a DG Shipping 3 Tier E-learning Approach system will be followed for all the Modular Courses.

What is the DG Shipping 3 Tier E-learning Approach?

In short, the 3 tier approach involves the following steps:

  1. E-learning from D.G. Shipping E-learning website
  2. Offline classes from an MTI (Marine training institute)
  3. Online Exit exam 

Which courses are included in the D.G. Shipping 3 tier e-learning approach?

The 3 tier learning approach is applicable for the below modular courses:

1. Basic Modular Courses

  1. Basic Safety – Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  2. Basic Safety – Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)
  3. Basic Safety – Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
  4. Basic Safety – Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
  5. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (LGTF)
  6. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (OCTF)
  7. Basic Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (BPW)
  8. Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties (STSDSD)

2. Advanced Modular Courses

  1. Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
  2. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (CHEMCO)
  3. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (GASCO)
  4. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (TASCO)
  5. Advanced Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (APW)
  6. Medical Care (MC)
  7. Medical First Aid (MFA)
  8. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
  9. Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats (PSCRB)
  10. Ship Security Officer (SSO)

3. Refresher and Updating Modular Courses

  1. Refresher and Updating Course for all Engineers (RUCE)
  2. Refresher and Updating Course for Deck Officers – Management Level (RUCDM)
  3. Refresher and Updating Course for Deck Officers – Operational Level (RUCDO)
  4. Refresher and Updating Course for Engineers – Management Level (RUCM)
  5. Refresher and Updating Course for Engineers – Operational Level (RUCO)
  6. Refresher Course in Advanced Fire Fighting (RAFF)
  7. Refresher Course in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (RIPFF)
  8. Refresher Course in Medical Care (RMC)
  9. Refresher Course in Medical First Aid (RMFA)
  10. Refresher Course in Personal Survival Techniques (RPST)
  11. Refresher Course in Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (RPFRB)
  12. Refresher Course in Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats other than fast rescue boats (RPSCRB)

4. Additional STCW Courses

  1. Advanced Training for ships using fuels covered within the IGF (IGFA)
  2. Assessment, Examination, and Certification of Seafarers (AECS)
  3. Basic Training for ships using fuels covered within the IGF (IGFB)
  4. Bridging course EO to ETO (BETO)
  5. Company Security Officer (CSO)
  6. High Voltage Safety and Switch Gear Course – Operational level (HVSO)
  7. High Voltage Safety and Switch Gear Course -Management level (HVSM)
  8. Indian Maritime Legislation Course for Recognition Endorsement (IMLC)
  9. Marine Boiler and Steam Engineering course – Management level (MBSM)
  10. Marine Boiler and Steam Engineering course – Operational level (MBSO)
  11. Passenger Ship Familiarisation Course (PSFC)
  12. Passenger Ship Safety Course (PSSC)
  13. Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)
  14. Train the Simulator Trainer and Assessor Course (TSTA)
  15. Vertical Integration Course for Trainers (VICT)

Now let’s see the entire process in detail, step by step.

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3 Tier approach for Merchant Navy Modular Courses

#Tier 1: E-learning from D.G. Shipping website

Follow the below steps to begin with your e-learning program, the tier 1 of doing a merchant navy modular course.

  1. Firstly, Go to the D.G. Shipping website and click on the E-learning tab. Also, you can simply visit this link.

2. After that, from the drop-down menu, select “Modular Courses.”

  1. If you are a new user, you need to enroll first. To do so, click on the “Enroll Now” button.
  1. Fill INDOS number, birthdate, and select the course that you wish to do. After that, click on “Verify.”
  1. Once you click the verify button, all your details will be prefilled which you have mentioned in e-governance. Now, simply check the box confirming the accuracy of details and click on the “Submit” button.
  1. When you submit your details, you will receive an email on your registered email id. Also, it includes the username and password for logging in. 
  1. After that, go to the e-learning login page again and enter your username and password provided in the email. Next, click on the “Sign In” button.
  1. When you log in, you will be required to do a face verification. So, Show your face in the box that appears and click on “Capture photo.”
  1. Once you click on “capture photo”, verify it by clicking on “Verify Photo.”
  1. After photo verification, you can start your modular course’s e-learning process by clicking on the heading.
  1. Once you click on the heading, all topics of your modular course will appear on the left-hand side of the screen.
  1. You need to read all these chapters within a stipulated time. After that, you need to appear for the course assessment. Note that you can appear for assessment only after a minimum of 12 hours of reading. 

Click on the assessment tab when you’re ready to take the test.

  1. You will then see the name of the course and a screen like button under the “Attend” tab. After that, click on it to start the assessment. This test is of 45 marks which consists of multiple choice questions. Also, you have to pass the test. But, you need to score at list 27 marks. 
  1. After successfully completing the assessment, your marks will appear under the “Marks” tab. Additionally, if you pass the test, your 1st tier is successfully completed. After that, Click on the “Exit” button to log out of the session. 

#Tier 2: Offline classes from an MTI (Marine training institute)

The e-learning module is to equip you with the theoretical aspects of the course. After passing the e-learning assessment, you can go for offline training from a D.G. Shipping approved Marine training institute. Hence, the major focus will be on providing practical training to the candidates, along with brushing up on theories that you learn in the e-learning module.

#Tier 3: Online Exit exam from D.G. Shipping website

Previously, candidates could appear for the exit exam from their own laptops. However, now only MTI approved systems can log into the portal. Thus, when you complete your offline training from the institute, they will make you appear for the exit exam.

That’s a wrap!

In Conclusion, this was all about the latest updates on the way candidates need to appear for the Merchant Navy Modular Courses. So, you need to know about DG Shipping 3 Tier E-learning Approach.

Also, If you wish to appear for any sponsorship or entrance exams for marine courses and are looking to prepare for the same, we can help you! So, contact us to learn from industry officers and clear your exams in one go!

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