Merchant Vessel in Distress After Missile Attack off Yemen’s Coast

Vessel Distress After Missile Attack

30th May 2024

Report : Yemeni Missile Attack Disables Merchant Vessel

A commercial ship sustained significant damage and began taking on water after a suspected missile attack in the Red Sea, according to British security firm Ambrey. The incident, which occurred on Tuesday, has raised concerns about the safety of maritime traffic in the war-torn region.

Details surrounding the attack remain unclear. Ambrey reported that the vessel was struck by three missiles approximately 54 nautical miles southwest of the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah. A subsequent distress call indicated damage to the cargo hold and a dangerous list, suggesting the ship was leaning precariously on one side.

The identity of the merchant vessel and the number of crew members on board haven’t been disclosed. The lack of information regarding the vessel’s flag adds another layer of uncertainty to the situation.

The attack comes amidst a heightened state of tension in the Red Sea, a vital waterway for global trade. Yemen’s ongoing civil war, pitting the Saudi-backed government against Iran-aligned Houthi rebels, has spilled over into the maritime domain. The Houthis have claimed responsibility for a series of drone and missile attacks targeting vessels they believe to be linked to Israel.

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These attacks have disrupted shipping operations and forced some companies to reroute around southern Africa, significantly extending travel times and adding to operational costs. The United States and Britain have responded to the Houthi attacks with retaliatory strikes, further escalating tensions.

While the perpetrator of the latest attack remains unknown, the timing and location point towards a possible Houthi connection. However, no group has claimed responsibility so far.

“The ongoing conflict in Yemen has created a dangerous environment for commercial shipping in the Red Sea,” said a spokesperson for Ambrey. “This latest attack highlights the need for all parties involved to respect international maritime law and ensure the safety of innocent crews.”

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The international community has repeatedly called for a ceasefire in Yemen and a return to peace talks. The United Nations has warned of a looming humanitarian catastrophe in the war-torn nation, where millions face starvation and disease.

The damaged merchant vessel’s fate remains uncertain. Rescue and salvage operations are likely underway, but the extent of the damage and the vessel’s stability will determine the course of action.

The incident underscores the precarious situation in the Red Sea. The vital trade route is increasingly becoming a battleground, potentially impacting global supply chains and jeopardizing the safety of seafarers. Continued international pressure is crucial to de-escalate tensions, hold perpetrators accountable, and ensure the free flow of goods through this critical waterway.


The missile attack on the merchant vessel off the coast of Yemen serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by the ongoing conflict. It is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the safety of commercial shipping and uphold international maritime law. Only a peaceful resolution to the Yemeni civil war can ensure long-term stability in the Red Sea and safeguard the free movement of goods upon which the global economy relies.

Also Read : Houthis Launch Drone and Missile Attacks on Four Ships in Red Sea and Indian Ocean

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