MSC Michigan Faces Arrest After Causing Damage, Raising Safety Concerns on Cooper River

MSC Vessel Faces Arrest

14th June 2024

Report : MSC Michigan ship damaged Cooper River, raising safety concerns, faces arrest.

A US court has issued an arrest warrant for the MSC Michigan, a container ship owned by Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), following a dramatic incident on the Cooper River in Charleston, South Carolina. The incident, which occurred on June 5th, involved the vessel allegedly losing control and causing damage to a pier while traveling at excessive speed.

Carver Maritime LLC, the operator of the damaged pier (Pier J), filed a lawsuit against MSC alleging the MSC Michigan acted negligently. According to the lawsuit, the 6,700 TEU capacity vessel was traveling at over 15 knots, exceeding the safe speed limit for the channel, when it passed the pier. This high speed is claimed to have created a powerful wake that dislodged a nearby moored vessel, the Norway Pearl, causing “substantial damage.”

The lawsuit further alleges that the MSC Michigan was not under proper control. Carver Maritime details 14 separate breaches of duty by the ship’s operators, including failing to maintain a safe speed and failing to operate the vessel safely. These allegations raise serious questions about what caused the loss of control and the steps taken by the crew to rectify the situation.

The incident caused a significant amount of disruption. Fearing a potential collision similar to the recent bridge allision in Baltimore, authorities cleared the Ravenel Bridge, a major artery crossing the Cooper River, of all traffic. This closure lasted for an unspecified duration until the ship was brought under control and steered away from the bridge.

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While the cause of the speeding incident remains under investigation, the court’s issuance of an arrest warrant suggests the judge found merit in Carver Maritime’s claims. An arrest warrant in maritime law authorizes authorities to seize a vessel as security for a potential claim. In this case, the arrest warrant serves as a legal tool to ensure the MSC Michigan remains available while the lawsuit proceeds. This could potentially force MSC to either post a significant bond or face having the ship detained until the legal case is resolved.

MSC has yet to publicly comment on the lawsuit or the arrest warrant. However, in a separate incident involving the MSC Michigan earlier this year, the company blamed a “throttle getting stuck” for causing damage to a different pier. This raises the possibility of a mechanical issue being a contributing factor in the Cooper River incident as well.

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The situation highlights the potential dangers posed by large vessels operating in busy waterways. Incidents like this can cause significant economic damage to port facilities and disrupt vital transportation routes. Additionally, the close call with the Ravenel Bridge underscores the potential for catastrophic consequences if such a loss of control were to occur near a populated area.

The legal battle between Carver Maritime and MSC is likely to shed light on the cause of the incident and the culpability of the ship’s operators. The outcome of this case could also have wider implications for maritime safety regulations and procedures, particularly regarding speed limits and emergency response protocols in confined waterways.


The arrest warrant issued for the MSC Michigan serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with large vessels operating in busy waterways. The incident raises critical questions about maritime safety protocols and the need for stricter regulations to prevent similar occurrences in the future. As the legal case unfolds, the focus will be on determining the cause of the speeding and ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to prevent such incidents from happening again.

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